Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Stepping Stone

Well I need to keep this short...when inspiration strikes never neglect it.

When a pen isn't available, write it in your phone, when the phone dies, tell someone, if no one is around, repeat the inspiration. Repeat the inspiration. Repeat the inspiration.

Transform the inspiration into fuel for writing. Do it. Let the writing flow and do not stop to revise. Let it flow. No worries.

'Nuff said.


  1. It must be fun to watch you in a work frenzy!it is always great by the time we see it.

  2. Okay, I was with you until you said don't revise. Maybe that's my problem. Hehe!

  3. you are totally right about the just write-write-write, revise later. i should do that, but i usually have to outline first, even for picture books. or if it's a novel, i really like to write a lot of character background for myself first. i really liked your post.

  4. ok but i have a question--when you first started writing the Tailors, first book, did you honestly just write and think of things as you went along (or withdraw them from your head as you went along)? You obviously knew what was going to happen and how it would be resolved. For me, i think i would have had to have an outline to direct me to that point. And I would have had to make a list of the names of my elves and then a few characteristics about each of them before I started writing. And probably a list of all the fabulous gadgets I was planning to incorporate.

  5. The Christmas of 87 storyline I wrote as I went along which I have no idea if I will ever be able to do that ever again in one long sitting and have it flow so well. The second book I had all plotted out and ready to roll before I started writing it.

  6. I admire your ability to just write and save revisions for another time.
