Friday, April 10, 2015

n March I took the Reforemo challenge of studying 5 picture books a day every day! I also decided to look at all the places besides libraries I could get picture books - airports, museum stories, even Alcatraz on a trip to SF! Fun month. Sometimes I felt overwhelmed by the total brilliance of a few and other times annoyed that such YUK got published. Lots more stuff in rhyme (not always perfect!) than the editors behind the slush piles would have us believe!  
I'm looking forward to the "Revising and Re-Imagining Your Picture Book" webinar, coming up April 29 from Eileen Robinson and Harold Underdown of Kid's Book Revisions. I'm hoping it will help me improve my picture book manuscript. If you write picture books, you should look into it! #PBwebinar
Kid's Book Revisions