n March I took the Reforemo challenge of studying 5 picture books a day every day! I also decided to look at all the places besides libraries I could get picture books - airports, museum stories, even Alcatraz on a trip to SF! Fun month. Sometimes I felt overwhelmed by the total brilliance of a few and other times annoyed that such YUK got published. Lots more stuff in rhyme (not always perfect!) than the editors behind the slush piles would have us believe!
n March I took the Reforemo challenge of studying 5 picture books a day every day! I also decided to look at all the places besides libraries I could get picture books - airports, museum stories, even Alcatraz on a trip to SF! Fun month. Sometimes I felt overwhelmed by the total brilliance of a few and other times annoyed that such YUK got published. Lots more stuff in rhyme (not always perfect!) than the editors behind the slush piles would have us believe!