Holiday books - what ones did we read/hear as kids?
Well, back in the Stone Age we actually had Christmas stories read to us in school! Shocking, I know. We sang carols, too.
The opening to Little Women (Louisa May Alcott, 1869)- "Christmas won't be Christmas without Father."
Bird's Christmas Carol (Kate Douglas Wiggin, 1887) and Dog of Flanders(Marie Louise de la Ramée, 1872)- two guaranteed tear jerkers! The teachers for some reason LOVED those.
Hmmmm - those are so old they qualify as "literature."
Baby Bible Christmas Storybook continues to get lots of Blogosphere "press" and radio interviews. Can I get one of those publcists for my life?
OK Blog Buds - name some titles NOT 2 centuries old!
I don't know A Dog for Flanders, Robin! I am intrigued. Great pic by the way!