Writing Resolutions:
#5 Keep up my new blog on Christian grandparenting: www.peekinthenest.blogspot.com
#4 Focus my writing for publication on Bible stories for children
#3 Take part in the May NaPiBoWriWe - creating 1 complete manuscript a day
#2 Work with Harold Underwood on a specific manuscript
#1 Enjoy the support and encouragement of The Best Critique Group in the Universe!
Terrific picture and great resolutions! Will you take the same "class" with Underwood as you did previously or will this be a new format?
ReplyDeleteI guess my writing resolution is to just ...um, well get back to writing. On my novel, I mean. It seems that I've been off my game for months now and haven't made much progress on it.
You are such an inspiration! I can't wait to see what you come up with this year--especially in NaPiBoWriWe!